Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Excellent, ethereal short story from Karen Russell in The New Yorker

Please take some time to check out Karen Russell's short story "The Bad Graft," published earlier this summer in the New Yorker. Its desert imagery, fungal invader, and portrayal of the ways that love and possession co-exist in the human moved me. It's an important story written by one of literature's most talented woman writers.

Interesting Post by my LSU colleague Jon Cogburn!

Jon Cogburn, writing for his blog, tackles the interrelations between American culture's obsession with zombies and the history of ideas.

Cogburn is my colleague at LSU, in our Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, and well published in the areas of metaphysics and logic. His thoughs on the connection between Hegelianism, bodily decay, and advances in health care since the 19th century is probably the most creative post I've seen online this week. Check it out!

Exciting News for Cultural Policy: Research and Pedagogy

I've reached out to several of my colleagues - both senior scholars and junior faculty - to ask them to agree to be interviewed for this blog. In the buildup to these interviews, we will be posting links to some of the exciting research they have done on cultural policy and cultural economy.

More details soon!